How I Rediscovered ‘Me’ After Becoming a New Mother

A trip to Amsterdam helped me re-enter society as a whole and complete woman again

Emily Primeaux
3 min readAug 24, 2021
The author in Amsterdam (2019)

Stepping out alone into the brisk autumn air in the city of Amsterdam in late 2019 was a victory. And no small feat. I’d left my seven-month-old baby with my husband and my mother back home in Austin, Texas, for this much-needed trip to help save my sense of self after battling postpartum depression for months.

I’ve written before about the struggles I faced after the birth of my son. Struggles that are not at all uncommon for women after giving birth. I had my son in March of 2019 and by fall my prolonged “baby blues” were under control with the help of a fantastic support system and a wonderful drug called Zoloft.

I was loving this new role—mama—but I still wasn’t quite back to my old self. Sure, I’d settled back into work and felt like I (finally) had this new mother thing well in hand, but something was amiss in the puzzle that is “Emily.”

I think a majority of new mothers will understand this missing piece. The independence. The selfishness. The vanity. Poof … suddenly another human being enters your life and their survival depends entirely on you, but you—the woman, the person, the individual—become entirely irrelevant in many other ways.



Emily Primeaux

World traveler, writer, editor, kitty-handler, missing the European life